歡迎到訪「網站 deermart.net」 (“deermart”)。 PANACA LIMITED擁有和運作。閣下使用deermart之各類服務均受此私隱政策聲明列載的條款所規管。
Welcome to the 'deermart' store website, owned and operated by Panaca Limited (“deermart”). All services and products provided through 'deermart' are made available subject to the terms and conditions set out in this Statement.
1. 政策大綱
承諾根據香港之個人資料 (私隱) 條例 (第486章) (“私隱條例”)及國際認可之個人資料私隱保護政策,保障閣下的私隱權利。
Our Commitment to Privacy
Panaca is committed to protecting your personal data privacy in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap 486) (“the Ordinance”) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of Peoples’ Republic of China and internationally recogn
ized standards of personal data privacy protection.
2. 個人資料搜集
i) 為了讓deermart提供有關服務,需要在登記或訂購服務過程中向提供個人資料。個人資料包括但不限於以下各項:
a) 姓名
b) 聯絡地址
c) 電話號碼、手提電話號碼及/或傳真機號碼
d) 電郵地址
e) 信用卡號碼、銀行名稱及信用卡有效日期
f) 其他相關資料
Data Collection
i) In order for "deermart" to provide services to our Name, it is necessary for our registered Name to supply "deermart" with personal data during the registration process. Personal data collected by "deermart" includes but is not limited to the following:
a) name
b) contact address
c) telephone, mobile number and/or fax number
d) e-mail address
e) credit card number, name of bank and expiry date
f) other relevant data
ii) 當閣下瀏覽"deermart"時,"deermart"會以寄存 Cookies 方式或類似方法搜集閣下使用網站的資料。。
ii) When you visit "deermart", "deermart" collects general information about your visits by means of “Cookies” files and similar methodology.
3. 個人資料的使用
Use of Personal Data
The main purposes for which personal data may be used by "deermart" are:
incorporating into our user database;
handling of service calls, enquiries and complaints;
the daily operation for provision of our services;
conducting service surveys;
billing and collecting payment;
distribution of news alert and newsletter;
to promote or direct marketing of the latest offers and privileges from all the publications, websites, services, seminars, events of the Company and other privileges;
to promote or direct marketing of the latest offers from our business partners,
to make disclosure as required under any law binding on Panaca;
auditing; and
other related purposes
4. 個人資料的傳輸
法庭頒領, 政府部門或法定機構根據有關法律而指示或要求該些資料要傳輸到人仕;及
Transfer of Personal Data
Your personal data held by Panaca will be kept confidential but Panaca may provide such information to :
banks in connection with payment of relevant fees;
any professional personnel, agent, adviser, auditor, contractor or service provider who provides services or advice to us in connection with our operations;
any person or corporation under a duty of confidentiality to us;
person to whom we are required to make disclosure under applicable laws, governmental or regulatory requirements or pursuant to any order of a court of a competent jurisdiction; and
other third party or entities which may assist in Panaca's business.
Please note that the privacy protection set out in this Privacy Statement does not apply to personal data already passed to third parties and Panaca shall not be responsible for the protection of such personal data or neglect thereof by any such third parties.
5. 個人資料的使用及其促銷用途
可能會就閣下的個人資料投寄或傳輸上述第3條提及的促銷活動的相關資訊給閣下,如果閣下不想閣下的個人資料用作促銷用途,請以書面或電郵至 panaca.ltd@gmail.com 通知我們的個人資料保護主任,或採用會員登記表之適用功能。
Use of Personal Data for Direct Marketing
Panaca may from time to time post or deliver to you direct marketing materials mentioned in Clause 3 based on your personal data provided to us. If you do not want to receive those direct marketing materials, please advise our Personal Data Protection Officer by writing or by e-mail to panaca.ltd@gmail.com .
6. 取用及更改個人資料
在私隱條例保障下,閣下有權向Panaca查詢閣下個人資料的內容及更改任何不準確及不及時的資料。如需取用及更改個人資料,請電郵至panaca.ltd@gmail.com 聯絡我們。
Access and Correction of Personal Data
The Ordinance provides you the rights to ascertain whether Panaca is holding your personal data and to correct any data that is inaccurate and not up to date. You may contact us in writing or by email to panaca.ltd@gmail.com for access and correction to your personal data.
7. 一般
In case there arises discrepancy in the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.